Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Off Season

Hi all,
It has been an age since we have posted to our blog. I in particular have retreated to the safety of my cave after our November frozen embryo transfer was cancelled due to insufficient endometrial lining. That news was not even a consideration for us at the time and as such came as a shock. We were devastated to be told we would have to wait until 2011 to try again. In the lead up to the November cycle we had discussed other IVF options and had booked an appointment with a specialist in Brisbane who specializes in the more mature ladies with fertility issues - which is exactly where I fall. With the cancelled cycle we cut our losses up here in Townsville and decided to see what Dr Wazza could do for us in Brisvegas. He is considered a bit of a cowboy amongst fertility circles, but gets results with aggresive treatment protocols. He spent 2 hours with us going over all of our options and we walked out blown away with what he is going to do for us and with a renewed vigour for the whole baby making process. We have also been spending the off season spending time with a holistic fertility counsellor called Sharon. She has been helping us re-frame the whole IVF experience so that it is less clinical and more spiritual. She and our Yoga teacher Kerry have been our shining lights through this very difficult time. All in all we have re-grouped and are ready to hop back on the IVF band wagon for 2011.