Hi there folks. I had intended updating this blog within a day or 2 of Luke and Leia being transferred, but it has been a rough few days. Let's start with the transfer itself - there were a few problems passing through the cervix due to a "kink". Luke and Leia were none the wiser, but my cervix felt like it had 3 rounds with the great Cassius Clay!! After 15-20 minutes of mucking about, cervical clips and holding my butt up off the table the tiny two had found a comfy fold in my uterus. Anyway that hasn't been the worst of it!! Wednesday was the day 6 Pregnyl injection. Just as I thought I was on the mend, Thursday morning found me doubled over with cramps, vomiting and the squits. I was in so much pain I was sweating profusely and thought I was going to faint. Let me tell you, IVF is not for the faint-hearted, in fact I recall Kyvo saying she was glad it was me and not her as she would have had an ambulance on the way for her. So Thursday and the best part of Friday were spent on the couch. To add insult to injury we received a letter from the clinic saying we only had 2 Embryo's to freeze - this meant that the other 6 didn't make it. Talk about under whelmed given all the effort, but this is nature taking it's course and those 6 probably wouldn't have made it anyway. Saturday morning I felt a little brighter and of course this meant that day 9 Pregnyl injection was on the cards.The injection itself stings a little, but not too bad. It's the after effects which you wake up to the next day that bite the big one. Cramps, Nausea, unable to stand up straight due to pain and bloating!! Sunday and Monday I have not felt too flash, but tonight I have started sucking on some ice and have started to fell a little better. Couldn't come at a better time as I am due to fly to Brisbane tomorrow morning to work for the rest of the week. The positive is that there are no more needles until blood test day on Tuesday 4/5/2010. Just pessaries and cream now to keep the hormones kicking along - ah the joys of IVF hey girls!!
Well that's about the size of my stone for now. Below are some piccies of or much loved Day 5 Blastocysts and the other iced NewVoe's are in the deep freeze for now.