Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mother Nature 1 - Team NewVoe 0

Well it appears that Seth and Estelle's blind date wasn't the success that we had hoped it would be.
Whilst we are disappointed with the outcome we are realistic enough to know that the odds were not exactly stacked in our favour. Lets face it, a 10-15% sucess rate is hardly the odds you'd want to bet your house on!! Logically I know there isn't anything else I could have done or not done to improve our chances, but on some level I feel like I let the team down and need to apologise. I mean - Was my egg a dud? Was my uterus not inviting enough for a developing zygote? Were my hormones outta wack - not providing the right environment to support conception or an early pregnancy? Who knows and you could definitely send yourself mad worrying about such things, but at the end of the day this is mother nature you're dealing with and you need to remember that you have little to NO control over her and the hand she deals you.
Whilst we allowed ourselves yesterday to feel and deal with the frustration, anger and sadness of not having suceeded this cycle, today is another day and time to hop back on the horse, get motivated and think positive in preparation for the new cycle. In the true spirit of new day/new cycle, today the girls at my work helped us pick out new nick names for this months egg and super sperm - None other than the gangsters "Bonnie & Clyde". Stay posted for their adventures!!
Tomorrow heralds the start of taking the Serophene tablets for 5 days with scan day scheduled for Friday October 16. This time around we are going to try some acupuncture mid cycle to see if that provides any benefit. There is some research to suggest that acupuncture helps with fertility especially with those trying IVF. While we are not at IVF stage we figure it certainly cant hurt to pull out all stops and try.
A big thank you for your support and warm words of encouragement.


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