Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As one door closes...

I have been meaning to jump on-line to update our blog following our meeting with the Nurse Coordinator at QFG. However, as most people will know and understand, this time of year can be somewhat hectic and time has gotten away from me. Anyways, after our last failed IUI, we had an hour long meeting with one of the nurses at the QFG clinic to discuss all aspects of IVF. I knew it was much more involved than the IUI, but came out of that meeting completely blown away by what lays ahead physically and financially in 2010. The whole process kicks off in February when I go on to the "pill". This helps regulate my cycle so that it is exactly 28 days and they also use it to manipulate your cycle to fit in with the pre-determined egg pick up date which for us is April 14 2010. Closer to this time the heavy duty drugs begin. It starts with a nasal spray to supress the ovaries, then injections to really hyper-stimulate them. From what we've been told the IVF process can knock you around a bit and I must admit there is an element of trepidation just at the thought of it all. However, we are trying to look at it as a blip on the radar when considering the bigger picture. So as the New Year approaches, we are hopeful that there may be a new addition to our nest.

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