Tuesday, April 6, 2010

An Egg Hunt of a Different Kind

Where to start…..well I have been incredibly slack in updating our blog, but in my defence I have been reasonably busy with work, the start of IVF and Easter.
So, to the IVF update. Tuesday March 23rd saw the start of the Synarel nasal spray. One puff in one nostril in the morning and one puff in the alternate nostril at night – to be administered exactly 12 hours apart. Cue the alarm!! I haven’t had too many problems with the spray to date. On a few occasions I have had a little bit of a hangover type head and the spray itself doesn’t taste that great when it runs down the back of the throat, but all in all no major drama’s. The spray is designed to stop the communication between the pituitary gland and the ovaries so that when the follicle stimulating drugs begin, it is the FSH that completely control what happens to the ovaries.
On Friday April 2 the Gonal F injections started. These are given once a day and help stimulate the ovaries to produce as many follicles (and eggs) as possible in one go. Sunday night I started to feel a little bloated and full in the pelvis – a good sign that the Gonal is doing its job in turning the normally walnut sized ovaries in to the size of oranges – lucky me!!
Today I had a blood test which tests for the Oestradiol levels in the blood. This level gives the clinic an indication of how well the ovaries are responding to the Gonal injections. We will get the results tomorrow afternoon and from these the dose of FSH is adjusted as required
The Stash
The Snort
The Jab

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