Monday, April 19, 2010

What a Week

I have been meaning to jump on-line and update the blog, as so much has happened. However, because so much has been happening I either haven't had time or haven't felt like it.
So let me back track a little. By blood test day 6/4 I was starting to feel quite full in the pelvis and somewhat bloated.The blood results checking my E2 levels were good so I stayed on the same dose of Gonal F which was 150iu every morning. Scan day was Tuesday 13/4 and this showed 14 mature follicles so Egg Pick Up (EPU) was scheduled for 10am Thursday 15/4. That night  (13/4) I had to have a trigger injection of Pregnyl 1500iu. Let me tell you - it stung like a Beeeartch!! On EPU day, feeling considerably bloated off  we went to Townsville Day Surgery where all the staff were fantastic. The past few days haven't exactly been a walk in the park recovering from the EPU, but survivable. I recommend a supportive, caring partner to look after you (thanks Kyvo), Panadeine, Panadeine Forte, Maxalon and a heat pack. At EPU and Embryo Transfer, you can only wash with non-perfumed soap and you are NOT to use any deoderant or perfumes, and nor is anyone you come in to contact with. Apparently the eggs, sperm and resultant embryo's are quite sensitive to these. At EPU they got 12 eggs, 8 of which have fertilized. We are thrilled - it's almost surreal to think that we have 8 potential babies. Tomorrow 20/4 is our day 5 Embryo Transfer. We are putting 2 Embryo's back to maximise the chances of conception. Fill you in on this after Luke and Leia have found their way into a comfy uterine fold. Below are some pictures of what the eggs look like post extraction, a Zygote (24hrs post fertilization) and a day 2-3 Embryo.

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