The cup did not runneth over as we had anticipated and this aint no dress rehersal!!
Mother nature did her own thing and completely blew us away by producing the 1 sought after dominant follicle. There were plenty of smaller follicles but one put its hand up and said pick me. Take your marks, get set, we are a goer!!!
Yesterday we left the clinic completely dumbfounded, but pleasantly so. We are at least a chance to conceive this cycle. Its a bit like a lottery - the odds are long, but you gotta be in it to win it.
After our TV Scan and subsequent good news, one of the nurses went through the administration of the Ovidrel injection. This stuff helps with the final maturation of the follicle and release of the oocyte(egg). The idea is that the egg is not left hanging around waiting for the sperm. If there is any waiting around to be done it is by the sperm which lives longer.
The injection had to be administered at 6am this morning, 30 hours prior to insemination. The injection itself was simple and painless. Kylie was planning to do it, but was worried she was going to hurt me. Whilst I tried to convince her this wouldn't be the case I totally understand her hesitation. If we dont strike it lucky this time around, maybe she will feel more comfortable sticking it to me next time!! So tomorrow morning our egg/s have a date with our donor sperm. Lets hope the blind date goes well and a long lasting relationship ensues.
Mother nature did her own thing and completely blew us away by producing the 1 sought after dominant follicle. There were plenty of smaller follicles but one put its hand up and said pick me. Take your marks, get set, we are a goer!!!
Yesterday we left the clinic completely dumbfounded, but pleasantly so. We are at least a chance to conceive this cycle. Its a bit like a lottery - the odds are long, but you gotta be in it to win it.
After our TV Scan and subsequent good news, one of the nurses went through the administration of the Ovidrel injection. This stuff helps with the final maturation of the follicle and release of the oocyte(egg). The idea is that the egg is not left hanging around waiting for the sperm. If there is any waiting around to be done it is by the sperm which lives longer.
The injection had to be administered at 6am this morning, 30 hours prior to insemination. The injection itself was simple and painless. Kylie was planning to do it, but was worried she was going to hurt me. Whilst I tried to convince her this wouldn't be the case I totally understand her hesitation. If we dont strike it lucky this time around, maybe she will feel more comfortable sticking it to me next time!! So tomorrow morning our egg/s have a date with our donor sperm. Lets hope the blind date goes well and a long lasting relationship ensues.

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