Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Sneak Peak

I have a confession to make...........
Yes I cheated...........working in an x-ray department gives me access to Ultrasound every day. So it is tempting to sneak a look at the progress of my ovaries and their fledgling follicles. I know not every one has this opportunity, and I'm sure many people have different opinions about whether I should be sneaking a peak. However, you try living with a carrot being dangled under your nose daily and tell me you wouldn't be tempted to take a look. So look I did.........
Whilst part of me is glad I did, part of me walked away feeling prematurely deflated. 3 Follicles on the right and 5 on the left all of which appear to be racing to maturity with gay abandon.
1 or 2 is what we are aiming for NOT 8!!!! The frustrating part is that you cant put the brakes on this runaway train....nature decides its own destiny......and the total lack of control is exasperating. I guess there is the chance that some of these follicles wont mature, but if I were a betting lady I'd say the odds of just 1 or 2 being mature by Wednesday are pretty slim. Sigh......we want to hold on to some hope until Wednesday, but realistically it looks like this cycle will be another dress rehersal. The optimist in me says wait until never we will wait and cross our fingers.

The black circle like structures are the follicles.

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