Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One more sleep to go

Well, we have been pretty quiet on the blog front these past few weeks. I guess we have tried busying ourselves as best we can to take our minds off the dreaded two week wait. Or in our case, the two and a half week wait (longer cycle!!). The wait has been made somewhat easier with my Mum and Nephew visiting for the past week. While poor 'ol Kyles hasn't had any time off work the rest of us have been ensconced in touristy type stuff the last few days. Mitch and Mum have visited Crystal Creek, The Strand, Riverway and Maggie Island and as their holiday draws to an end so too does our wait. We plan to do a home pregnancy test tomorrow morning to see if our second IUI has been successful. I for one am not feeling particularly confident at this stage. However, let me qualify this. In these two plus weeks I have found myself oscillating between positive feelings of hope which is then followed by my conscious mind trying to convince myself it's most unlikely that this IUI will have been any more successful than the last!! I think its my way of preparing and protecting my hormonal, fragile self for a negative result. That way if the result should be positive it will be a pleasant suprise!! This time tomorrow we will know if mother nature has taken a 2-0 lead over Team NewVoe or if Team NewVoe has triumphed!!

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