Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As one door closes...

I have been meaning to jump on-line to update our blog following our meeting with the Nurse Coordinator at QFG. However, as most people will know and understand, this time of year can be somewhat hectic and time has gotten away from me. Anyways, after our last failed IUI, we had an hour long meeting with one of the nurses at the QFG clinic to discuss all aspects of IVF. I knew it was much more involved than the IUI, but came out of that meeting completely blown away by what lays ahead physically and financially in 2010. The whole process kicks off in February when I go on to the "pill". This helps regulate my cycle so that it is exactly 28 days and they also use it to manipulate your cycle to fit in with the pre-determined egg pick up date which for us is April 14 2010. Closer to this time the heavy duty drugs begin. It starts with a nasal spray to supress the ovaries, then injections to really hyper-stimulate them. From what we've been told the IVF process can knock you around a bit and I must admit there is an element of trepidation just at the thought of it all. However, we are trying to look at it as a blip on the radar when considering the bigger picture. So as the New Year approaches, we are hopeful that there may be a new addition to our nest.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mother Nature 3 - Team NewVoe 0

It is with a huge amount of disappointment that this entry is written - as we haven't had a positive result with our third IUI attempt.Whilst our previous failures have been bitter pills to swallow, this by far has been the most gut wrenching of them all. I think so many of our family and friends (us included) thought this was going to be the one that worked. People thought I had "that look, you know the glow", and although I didn't particularly feel any different Kyles and I held the hope that the younger donor may have been the key to our success. Unfortunately this time around it wasn't to be.
Just as this weeks Pearl of Wisdom asserts it is important that we not be defeated, but bravely forge ahead - and that is exactly what we intend to do. I mean what other choice is there? We would dearly love to have a child/children together and to give up on our dream at this point would almost be a sin.
We are realistic enough to know that we now have to cut our losses with the 10-15% success rate of the IUI's and move on to IVF which has a 35-40% success rate. So we are booked in for an IVF planning session with the clinic's nurses on thursday and from here we will work towards EPU late March early April 2010.
To finish off this post we would like to sincerely thank everyone for their prayers to the fertility godesses on our behalf!! While it appears they fell on deaf ears this time around, we will definately be needing them in approximately 16 weeks time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ups and Downs

When we began the blog I had planned to keep things on the lighter side. However, I also feel it is important to be honest in documenting both the highs and lows of this process. My post today discusses one of our journey's lows.
As we approach "P" day I have experienced for the first time, difficulty in hearing and seeing other couples pregnancy joys. Not to be taken the wrong way, I couldn't be happier for each and every one of these people, but I just wish it was happening for us. I know our time will come and many before us have had just as many, if not more trials and tribulations along the way, but at the end of the day it's still tough. I am finding it hard to remain positive all the time when we face being unsuccessful yet again. This baby making caper can very easily be reduced to Success Vs Failure and repeated failure can quickly become disheartening. I know the jury is still out on this IUI and we have our IVF plan in place should we not get one up on Mother Nature, but right now I am finding it difficult to be up-beat about this whole process. I wish my body would just give me a freakin sign - put me out of my misery please. It is times like this that all those positive affirmations and words of wisdom (patience is a virtue) come in handy to get you through one day at a time.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Servicing the Mare

We had to take our dog Basil to the Vet yesterday. Unfortunately he has several tumors (haemangiosarcoma) on his legs which means the cancer is already in his blood stream and spread has occurred. We took him to a rural/horse vet called Margaret for removal of 1 tumor and about 12 or so smaller masses were found at surgery. She was amazing and very caring given the bad news. Anyway, I digress..............when we arrived to pick Basil up Margaret was trotting a horse around. She informs us the horse had just been "serviced" - aka sexed up by a boy horse and to distract her and stop her from squatting and squirting out all the semen like last time she was keeping her moving. Now the clincher here is the boy horse is worth a lazy 10 million dollars (now that's some expensive sperm right there!!) - lets hope both the mare and I are equally sucessful following our "servicing"!! Tomorrow is my last accupuncture session for this cycle. The aim of this session is to stimulate blood flow to facilitate a cosy environment for the hopefully fertilised egg to nest. If nothing else it will be a good excuse to lay down and relax for an hour.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yes, Yes, Ooooooo Yes

As I write we hope that all of our young, virile handsome Harry's are making their way to our solo sensual Sally (on the right boys). Ovulation is expected sometime between 12noon and 6pm tonight and one can only hope that some sparks fly a-la diner style when these guys meet up - cue Barry White "Lets get it on".  The insemination itself was pretty quick, but this time I was left laying down for about 15 minutes before being able to leave. This is a new development for us. Kylie suggested maybe the Dr thought we could use some "intimate time" to help things along. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh think again tiger - a clinical setting is hardly conducive to feeling randy let me tell ya. Apparently the laying down part is supposed to help get the little fella's heading in the RIGHT direction. So with 15 minutes to kill Kylie took the opportunity to give the boys a pep talk as to their job at hand and what direction to head in. Lets hope they listened. Now we wait..............arggghhhhh the dreaded two and a half week wait. Lucky for us part of this time will be taken up visiting family and friends in Adelaide - lots of pleasant distractions.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Introducing Handsome Harry and Sensual Sally

Following a suggestion from a very dear friend, this month's egg and sperm have been aptly named Harry and Sally after the movie "When Harry met Sally". Lets hope there is plenty of I'll have what she's having on Thursday afternoon! We had our TV scan today which showed one dominant follicle on the right ovary just waiting for some young handsome swimmers to sweep her off her feet. That said, the Ovidrel injection is scheduled for 6am tomorrow morning and Insemination is booked for 12:15pm Thursday afternoon and hopefully a diner scene similar to the movie ensues.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tired Musings from Brisvegas

I am down in Brisbane working for the week. A change is as good as a holiday or so they say. I am working predominantly on my own in a small quiet practice which means very little interaction with others and way too much time with myself and my thoughts. Anyways; after my microwave TV dinner last night, I looked at myself in the floor to ceiling mirror opposite to where I was sitting and didn't particularly like what was looking back. I finally saw what Kylie has been seeing for the past few weeks. The shell of my former self. Yes I have lost about 6 kilos (some weight loss was planned when I started PT back in March), but this is more than just weight loss. I look exhausted and somewhat frail. A strained face with sunken pale eyes and colourless cheeks stared back at me. Eeeeeewwwww. I thought to myself - when and why did this happen and  how come I am only seeing this now? All of which I have no definitive answer for at this point. I can only hypothesize and hope that I can work the answer out and make some changes to get the sparkle back in my eyes. While I have had a cold for the past 2 weeks which I am finding hard to shake off and which definately wont be enhancing my looks, Kylie has been saying for weeks that I dont look well and has expressed concern about my appearance. I hadn't seen it until last night(damn that mirror). So how and why do I find myself in this position? One word that springs to mind is STRESS. While I am not a high powered corporate type, I do manage a small group of staff which as most of you will know and understand can be difficult at times. My job(and its stresses) on its own is manageable. However, Kylie seems to think that work combined with the pressure of making a baby may be the perfect cocktail for a living breathing corpse type appearance (me at the mo). The only problem I have with this theory is that I dont feel that stressed about the baby making on a conscoius level. Most of the time I dont feel consumed (on a conscious level) by baby making. So if this is the case and this stress/pressure is on a sub-conscious level, how do I overcome it and "Relax" as so many people recommend?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kyvo's Korner

Hi All, I know it may appear that I am yet to contribute (in my own words) my feelings on how we are travelling through this journey of planned parenthood, and let me assure you I have been working on a little story for some time now.... but after this 2nd IUI attempt I feel compelled to release my thoughts onto our BLOG for you all...

Some people may think I reserve my emotions, and it may be that I am a little more guarded with how I feel about things. However, I would like to say that I like to live with the motto of the 'glass being half full, rather than half empty' ... (im an optimist) ... never the less i have shed a few tears over our last two attempts that haven't taken...

There is something that I feel being the partner in this situation that I have to be the strong one, the 'rock', so that Pete knows that I will be here and won't fall apart... I do feel incredibly balanced with this position I am in and it has been my choice to play this role.

I have done so much reading over the last few months on positive energy being so important in the process and I also dont want us to have too much focus on 'getting pregnant' as it can build up to be too much pressure. (And this is the last thing I would want for us, especially Pete to be feeling)

So there are just a few words from me, Kylie.... I hope you can understand that this is a journey that we are sharing and I am very much a part... maybe moreso the quiet optimist...

I will look to post my version of our start in this planned parenthood adventure and look forward to your comments.

Here's to our child hopefully being, "Hatched by two chicks"...

Mother Nature 2 - Team NewVoe 0

You would think 300 million good quality sperm with a 5 hr head start combined with 2 eggs would be able to get the job done!!
Not to be this time.
Pissed off, disappointed, guttered - yep - who wouldn't be. There isn't anything anyone can say or do that will lessen how you feel, but it is heartening to know that you have these people in your life who are rooting for you every inch of the way - just as though they are experiencing the journey themselves. Thankyou x
However, at times like these you need to try and look at the big picture. We may have lost this battle, but we haven't lost the war. So after you have your little cry and spend a good 24 hours (or there abouts) feeling sorry for yourself there is nothing else to do, but pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get ready for the next cycle.
With our initial sperm supplies down to 1 vial and a new batch of donors arriving from the US we thought it wise to go shopping as IVF now looks to be a very real prospect for us in 2010. For those of you unfamiliar with purchasing sperm let us enlighten you -  the donor sperm only gets shipped out to Australia every 3 months and it is important to get in early to nab the lad of your choice as all the popular boys sell out quickly. We have been fortunate enough to score ourselves 2 vials of a young college buck. He was our number one pick so we are thrilled. It is not often you get your first choice so it is important to at least have a top 3 to save disappointment. We were going to save both vials of our new donor for IVF, but following this second failed attempt we have decided to use one vial of the newbie for our third and final IUI cycle. We figure a change of sperm may make the difference? At the end of the day it's not going to hurt to try something different.

So, all our Dr's appointments have been made, acupuncture is booked and Chinese herbs and vitamin supplements have been purchased. All that is left to do now is find some new names for this cycle's egg and sperm. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One more sleep to go

Well, we have been pretty quiet on the blog front these past few weeks. I guess we have tried busying ourselves as best we can to take our minds off the dreaded two week wait. Or in our case, the two and a half week wait (longer cycle!!). The wait has been made somewhat easier with my Mum and Nephew visiting for the past week. While poor 'ol Kyles hasn't had any time off work the rest of us have been ensconced in touristy type stuff the last few days. Mitch and Mum have visited Crystal Creek, The Strand, Riverway and Maggie Island and as their holiday draws to an end so too does our wait. We plan to do a home pregnancy test tomorrow morning to see if our second IUI has been successful. I for one am not feeling particularly confident at this stage. However, let me qualify this. In these two plus weeks I have found myself oscillating between positive feelings of hope which is then followed by my conscious mind trying to convince myself it's most unlikely that this IUI will have been any more successful than the last!! I think its my way of preparing and protecting my hormonal, fragile self for a negative result. That way if the result should be positive it will be a pleasant suprise!! This time tomorrow we will know if mother nature has taken a 2-0 lead over Team NewVoe or if Team NewVoe has triumphed!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Breaking News

News coming to hand................there has been an alleged stick up in the fall-opian tube. Reports are unable to be confirmed at this time. However, Clyde Barrow and 299 million other commuters in the tube on the afternoon of Monday 19/10/2009 were seen to be swimming upstream for their lives. Bonnie Parker 1 and her side kick Bonnie 2 were seen with guns blazing as they erupted from the left ovary headed for the tube around that time. It is hoped that Mr Barrow and some of his counterparts will be able to infiltrate the tough exterior that is currently housing Ms Parker and friend resulting in an outcome that will please all involved. More on these developments as they become available.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Holiday and The Heist

After our week away cruising around the Hinchinbrook on a houseboat we are feeling rested and ready for whatever this cycle brings our way. Not being at work meant no sneak peaks this month, which I think was probably a good thing. It meant that we could almost switch off from the whole process for a week and be pleasantly suprised by the outcome of scan day. Our scan on friday showed that there are 2 mature follicles on the left ovary and that we could proceed to insemination as long as we were happy to accept that there is an increased risk of twins should both eggs be fertilised. It was a no brainer for us given that we had no luck with one follicle last cycle -of course we would proceed. We were sent on our way with instructions for the Ovidrel injection to be given at 6am Sunday morning 18/10/09. Following our scan we went to our Acupuncture appointment which turned out to be really interesting. Michael believes (and I am inclined to agree) that there may be insufficient lining of the uterus for an embryo to find attractive enough for implantation, so the aim is to stimulate blood flow with the acupuncture and proliferate the endometrial lining with the Chinese Herbs.
So the scene is set - the heist of all heists is scheduled for 12:30pm Monday 19/10/09. Bonnie 1 and Bonnie 2 are hoping to join forces with 300 million courageous Clydes to pull off one of mother natures biggest miracles.

Friday, October 9, 2009

National Lampoons Vacation Voevodin Style

Tomorrow we are off for a Voevodin family vacation on a houseboat up in the Hinchinbrook.
Kylie, Pete and Bonnie are planning to soak up some sun, catch a few fish and generally have a well earned rest. Between Kylie starting a new job and us trying to make a baby, the past 4-5 weeks has been pretty draining and we both feel like we are physically and emotionally exhausted. So a week to re-charge the batteries and switch off from the daily grind has come at a good time for us.
Bonnie has been busy breaking banks the past 3 months and needs some deserved time out to count her stash before she could even possibly consider joining forces with Clyde for their biggest heist yet. More on their rendezvous next friday 16/10.
Until then, think of us "Grinswold" style cruising around the Hinchinbrook!!

Holiday Roooaaaaaaadddooooaaaaadd..........

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mother Nature 1 - Team NewVoe 0

Well it appears that Seth and Estelle's blind date wasn't the success that we had hoped it would be.
Whilst we are disappointed with the outcome we are realistic enough to know that the odds were not exactly stacked in our favour. Lets face it, a 10-15% sucess rate is hardly the odds you'd want to bet your house on!! Logically I know there isn't anything else I could have done or not done to improve our chances, but on some level I feel like I let the team down and need to apologise. I mean - Was my egg a dud? Was my uterus not inviting enough for a developing zygote? Were my hormones outta wack - not providing the right environment to support conception or an early pregnancy? Who knows and you could definitely send yourself mad worrying about such things, but at the end of the day this is mother nature you're dealing with and you need to remember that you have little to NO control over her and the hand she deals you.
Whilst we allowed ourselves yesterday to feel and deal with the frustration, anger and sadness of not having suceeded this cycle, today is another day and time to hop back on the horse, get motivated and think positive in preparation for the new cycle. In the true spirit of new day/new cycle, today the girls at my work helped us pick out new nick names for this months egg and super sperm - None other than the gangsters "Bonnie & Clyde". Stay posted for their adventures!!
Tomorrow heralds the start of taking the Serophene tablets for 5 days with scan day scheduled for Friday October 16. This time around we are going to try some acupuncture mid cycle to see if that provides any benefit. There is some research to suggest that acupuncture helps with fertility especially with those trying IVF. While we are not at IVF stage we figure it certainly cant hurt to pull out all stops and try.
A big thank you for your support and warm words of encouragement.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Business End of the Deal

Well here we are....a few days out from D-Day....or should that be P-Day!! After being silly enough to do a pregnancy test 5 days after insemination thinking that we could possibly get a positive result and being devastated that of course it was negative we have decided to wait and see what nature brings our way. No testing the day before or on the day of the expected period, we will wait and see if I get my period....that in itself will be disappointing enough without feeling like we have "failed" with a Negative pregnancy test as well. Many people have said and will be thinking this is your first try and many people try many times before successfully falling pregnant, but generally these people have sperm on tap and there isn't the same preparation, costs and build up as with Artificial Insemination. Think Grand Final Footy - as with any build up resultant success is sweet, but failure can be devastating and this is what we are trying to keep in perspective. If we stumble at the first hurdle we will endeavour to use the outcome to inspire and encourage oursleves for the next cycle. If we succeed.......well I will be the first to go out and buy a lottery ticket. Until next week  - may the force be with us.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Blind Date

Picture it.............Sicily..........
Ummmm......Rather Townsville Day Surgery........Friday 18/9/2009
12:30pm (approx) When Seth the super sperm and 300 million of his super sperm mates headed from the rather chilly test tube to syringe, syringe to the warmth of the of the Uterine Lounge Bar in search of Estelle the egg. Seth had heard via the grapevine that Estelle was due to make her grand entrance any time and he was eager to get their blind date under way. While some would swim in cirlces, it would probably take Seth and some of his stronger counterparts a good 5 hours to make their way along the dimly lit tube to reach Estelle......Cue music (Start humming Afternoon Delight)!!
The IUI itself took less time than the 45 minute wait in the waiting area. Infact we were in and out in under 10 minutes. The procedure itself was pretty painless and I didn't suffer any cramping afterwards. It was an emotional time for the both of us.....we have spent a good 6 months preparing for this moment and it had finally come. I cant speak for Kylie, but I felt excited and overwhelmed at the enormity of what we are are doing and moved by the love and support of our family and friends. Thank you all for your thoughts and words of encouragement. It's now up to Estelle and Seth!! Fingers and legs crossed that they hit it off!!
Now the 2 week wait begins.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Batter Up

Well............ all I can say is lucky I'm not really a betting lady!!
The cup did not runneth over as we had anticipated and this aint no dress rehersal!!
Mother nature did her own thing and completely blew us away by producing the 1 sought after dominant follicle. There were plenty of smaller follicles but one put its hand up and said pick me. Take your marks, get set, we are a goer!!!
Yesterday we left the clinic completely dumbfounded, but pleasantly so. We are at least a chance to conceive this cycle. Its a bit like a lottery - the odds are long, but you gotta be in it to win it.
After our TV Scan and subsequent good news, one of the nurses went through the administration of the Ovidrel injection. This stuff helps with the final maturation of the follicle and release of the oocyte(egg). The idea is that the egg is not left hanging around waiting for the sperm. If there is any waiting around to be done it is by the sperm which lives longer.
The injection had to be administered at 6am this morning, 30 hours prior to insemination. The injection itself was simple and painless. Kylie was planning to do it, but was worried she was going to hurt me. Whilst I tried to convince her this wouldn't be the case I totally understand her hesitation. If we dont strike it lucky this time around, maybe she will feel more comfortable sticking it to me next time!! So tomorrow morning our egg/s have a date with our donor sperm. Lets hope the blind date goes well and a long lasting relationship ensues.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Sneak Peak

I have a confession to make...........
Yes I cheated...........working in an x-ray department gives me access to Ultrasound every day. So it is tempting to sneak a look at the progress of my ovaries and their fledgling follicles. I know not every one has this opportunity, and I'm sure many people have different opinions about whether I should be sneaking a peak. However, you try living with a carrot being dangled under your nose daily and tell me you wouldn't be tempted to take a look. So look I did.........
Whilst part of me is glad I did, part of me walked away feeling prematurely deflated. 3 Follicles on the right and 5 on the left all of which appear to be racing to maturity with gay abandon.
1 or 2 is what we are aiming for NOT 8!!!! The frustrating part is that you cant put the brakes on this runaway train....nature decides its own destiny......and the total lack of control is exasperating. I guess there is the chance that some of these follicles wont mature, but if I were a betting lady I'd say the odds of just 1 or 2 being mature by Wednesday are pretty slim. Sigh......we want to hold on to some hope until Wednesday, but realistically it looks like this cycle will be another dress rehersal. The optimist in me says wait until never we will wait and cross our fingers.

The black circle like structures are the follicles.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A New Month a New Cycle

September 5 bought with it Day 1 of IUI cycle #2.
I have finished my 5 days of Serophene 50mg. Like last cycle I have experienced some hot flushes and am just now (Day 6) starting to experience some twinges in the ovaries. We are scheduled for a TV Scan September 16 and the results of the scan will determine if we proceed to insemination.

August - A retrospective

Day 1 of our first IUI cycle arrived early August and it was with great excitement we rang the nurses at the clinic to inform them and receive instructions on taking the serophene from Days 2-6. I was a little anxious as to the side affects of the serophene, but apart from a few hot flushes there wasn’t much else to write home about. Come Day 12 I could feel my ovaries – especially the right. Our scan showed 3 mature follicles and several smaller immature follicles on the right ovary. The Dr gave us the news that we could not proceed with the IUI this month due to the risk of triplets. With “cycle cancelled” stamped on our notes we were sent away with instructions to wait for day 1 of our next cycle and follow the same game plan. Whilst we understood we were disappointed with our false start. Since when did being an over achiever go against you?

We questioned the whole process for a few days:

Why do we need the drug stimulation – surely it’s quite clear my ovaries work well enough on their own. Wont the stimulated cycle waste another month of our all to precious time. In the end these people are experts in their field and you have to trust in them and their processes. The clinic wont alter medication/doseage based on one cycle as the over/under stimulation may be a one off. Our bodies can respond differently each cycle. We were told that if the ovaries were over stimulated in 2 consecutive cycles that they would cease the tablets and allow me to harvest my follicles naturally.

With our frustrations worked through, we were somewhat philosophical and positive in that too many follicles was probably better than none. We successfully put the rest of the cycle out of our heads and busied ourselves with work and socialising. Kylie was busy with basketball refereeing and there were several social gatherings that made the second half of the month wizz by.


Let us start our adventure by first setting the scene. How we got to this place has been a journey in itself. When Kylie and I first met we discussed kids – did we like them (yeah) and had we ever thought about having them (yep). We had both thought about having kids, but neither of us had found ourselves in a position or relationship where that went any further than those thoughts you find yourself ruminating over from time to time. So after some initial discussions we agreed that having a child together was a definite possibility for us, but down the track.

Down the track for us initially meant 2-3 years as being 37 at the time my biological clock was not going to allow us 5-10 years to settle in together, build up a real estate portfolio and own 2 cars outright!!

As time passed we talked of our future plans with others. Some of these discussions were with couples already well and truly entrenched in the fertility clinic process and some were with people who’d had kids later in life. These conversations led us to believe that this whole pregnancy business was not necessarily as straight forward as one would possibly think. We heard of stories where it took couples 3-5 years and thousands upon thousands of dollars to achieve their dreams of having a child. Others shared stories of birth defects and disabilities which were thought to be attributable to advanced maternal age. Eeeeeeeeek – we were starting to think that maybe we should look in to this sooner rather than later. So we researched the internet, read plenty of books and picked peoples brains………especially the ones who had been there and done that!!

Armed with heads full of information we booked in to see the GP in March 2009 to have a chat and get some advice about our next move. The Dr got all the preliminary tests underway and referred us on to Queensland Fertility Clinic. So our first WAIT began!! A 6 week wait to be precise……..not to bad considering we are in Townsville and there aren’t that many specialists on hand.

At times that 6 week wait seemed to drag and the week prior to our first appointment was a tense time for me. Whilst excited at the prospect of starting this adventure I was also filled with trepidation about what lay ahead. In the hours before our appointment I felt like a school girl waiting to be called in to the headmasters office. Not knowing whether I was receiving a pat on the back for good work or a rap on the knuckles for misbehaving.

The appointment itself was much like an interview for a job or so it felt. The relief I felt at its completion was immense. I felt like we’d passed the first stage and had been shortlisted for the second round of interviews. The second round of interviews included more blood tests for both of us and a mandatory couples counselling session before being able to proceed. We had a 2 week wait to see the counsellor and an 8 week wait until we could get in to the Fertility Clinic to find out what happened next.

The Dr advised us that all our tests came back fine and we could start proceedings as soon as we had picked out a donor and in conjunction with the start of my next cycle. Wow…..just like that we would be off and running!!

Before we could take our position at the starting blocks we had the task of picking out a donor that we were both happy with…….sounds easy…….think again. We both thought we’d be inundated with donor profiles which would take us weeks to pour over and short list our favourites. The cold hard truth was there were 4 Australian donors and 16 American donors to choose from. So pour over them we did. In our initial perusals we picked fault with just about every profile. This one had braces, that one wore glasses, this one had a receding hairline and that one had acne. None of these good samaritans was going to be good enough to be the father of our child. Okie Doke……take a step back for a minute…..I wear glasses, had zits and could have had braces!!! We had to lower our expectations to be somewhat realistic. So we did and came up with a top 2 candidates. Next step was to purchase said donor – fingers crossed they weren’t too popular and already “SOLD OUT”.

Kylie rang the sperm coordinator in Brisbane to see if our donor daddy was available – and yes he was. So how many vials do we get? If you are super keen and loaded with money – heck – buy all 10!! Whilst we were keen we are not “Loaded” so we got 3 vials for our suggested 3 IUI attempts. If were are not successful with the IUI’s we will look to try IVF and put a special order in for our donor at that time.

With the sperm on its way up from Brisbane, our next appointment was with one of the clinic’s nurses to go through the whole IUI process and get required scripts. Now we wait for day 1 of my next period. Although all my hormone levels were fine the process does require some mild drug stimulation of the ovaries so that they can be sure that you will ovulate. They don’t want to waste any valuable sperm if there is no egg to fertilize. This stimulation is by way of a tablet (Serophene – Clomid 50mg) from days 2-6 of your cycle. On Day 12 you have a TV scan (internal ultrasound) and if there are 1 or 2 mature follicles then Ovidrel injection 10pm Day 12 and insemination Day 14 then fingers crossed. Note: any more than 2 mature follicles the cycle is cancelled due to the risk of multiple births.